Durapipe Vulcathene

Vulcathene is a purpose-designed and engineered laboratory drainage system that has been specified and installed as a safe solution for transporting chemical waste from the laboratories of schools, universities, hospitals, research facilities and industrial environments worldwide for more than 65 years.

BBA approved for laboratory drainage, Vulcathene offers the widest range of bench items including sinks, drip cups and anti-siphon and dilution recovery traps to enable the design and specification of a complete chemical drainage laboratory system.

The choice of two easy jointing methods, Mechanical for demountable joints and Enfusion (electrofusion) for welded joints, allows flexibility in design, installation efficiencies and ease of system extensions and maintenance.

Size: 38mm to 152mm
Temp: -20C to +100C (only intermittent at 100C)

We supply the full range of Durapipe Vulcathene, please contact us for full details.

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