LEJOG 2023 – DAY 5 – Hereford to Shrewsbury – 74 miles – (10/08/23)

Published on: 14th August 2023
Estimated read time: 2 minutes

Day 5 – The Beautiful UK (10/08/23)

So once again we were blessed with wonderful weather and the day’s route took us through some really nice scenery; it’s a great way to see and appreciate beautiful parts of the UK away from Motorways and main roads.

Yesterday we crossed the Severn Bridge and rode through Wales; today we skirted around the border, through Pembridge, Clun and Bishops Castle.

The ‘hilly challenge’ remains but less so than the previous three days.



One of the fellow riders had a dose of bad luck. First a mechanical fault with an exploding tyre, resulting in a stoppage and a tyre replacement. Once up and going again he managed to fall off his bike !!! Fortunately he wasn’t too badly injured, mostly scrapes and grazes.

Helen was gifted ‘The Jersey’…………..for teaching someone how to use WhatsApp.

Navigation is a challenge and despite having the routes outlined on a daily basis, wrong turns and detours are inevitable. Today some of our participants got lost again, but in true ‘herding sheep’ fashion, we got them all back on track.

We were greeted by Charles Darwin as we entered Shrewsbury; maybe Evolution will see us develop in-built Sat-Nav into our Brains















Shrewsbury provided the opportunity to choose a dinner venue………..Fish & Chips was the order of the Day!


Time for rest before we leave Shrewsbury and head up to Leig

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