Chemical Process & Production
Chemical Process & Production – Central to the modern world economy, the Chemical industry converts raw materials (oil, natural gas, air, water, metals, and minerals) into more than 70,000 different products as a result of undergoing one or more chemical reactions during the manufacturing process. The UK has been consistently in the Top 10 Chemical producing countries since the Industrial Revolution in 1700s. The chemical process industries broadly include the traditional chemical industries, both organic and inorganic; the petroleum industry; the petrochemical industry, which produces the majority of plastics, synthetic fibres, and synthetic rubber from petroleum and natural-gas raw materials; and a series of allied industries in which chemical processing plays a substantial part.
B&D Plastics has a long standing involvement in the Chemical process sector with trading relationships with a number of key players; with this experience and knowledge B&D can work with you to source the most appropriate products and offer solutions.