A classic example of B&D’s technical assistance adding tangible value to an end-user was in evidence as we were presented with a challenge to replace some valves by one of our water utility customers.
The client was tasked with replacing an old 6” PVC-U diaphragm valve that had broken in service on a waste water system after being installed over 30-years ago.
To add to the challenge, our customer wanted to use this breakdown opportunity to change things around, firstly by switching the old manual valve to become an pneumatically actuated valve option, and secondly by slightly altering the chemical composition that was being conveyed by the system.
Using our extensive knowledge of plastic valves and systems, we advised on a product manufactured by one of our supply partners Safi who manufacture the type of valve that met perfectly with the required criteria.
We supplied a 6” Type 2008 flanged ball valve in PPGF (Polypropylene glass fibre) material complete with a Kinetrol FSC pneumatic actuator and switch box. This was successfully installed by the client and got their plant working as planned within the new working format and importantly within an acceptable timescale.
The customer was happy that by turning to a combination of B&D and Safi valves, they knew they’d be able to utilise our experience and system knowledge to recommend a solution, but also that they were obtaining a quality product that was ideal for the given application.
Following the successful installation, the client decided to extend the system upgrade and they have subsequently made further re-designs to incorporate an additional two valves with the same configuration.
B&D Plastics work closely with all of our manufacturer partners to understand the technical capabilities of products that are available within the market and our team has a combined experience of over 100-years of working with plastic pipework systems.